pissuCAD Wastewater Network Design Software


Drawing / Modelling / Planning / Design / Analyze / Simulation


Since 1985, AnkiSOFT Software developes software to design infrastructure projects. pissuCAD has been developed for wastewater (sewerage) network design. It is for Drawing / Modelling / Planning / Design / Analyze / Simulation of the wastewater network. The software works under AutoCAD or ZWCAD.

AnkiSOFT Software – pissuCAD – Wastewater Network Design Software - Software Menu

AnkiSOFT SoftwarepissuCAD – Wastewater Network Design Software – Menu of the Software


It is possible to arrange the drawing style by using STYLE MANAGER, so you can use different drawing style in different projects.

OPEN LAYER command can open all the necessary layers that the software needs.

You can define/draw/edit/delete/move manholes (MH), can change some/all properties of MHs. The software will write; MHno and the ground elevation for each MH on the drawing.

You can find any MH by searching the MHno, can change the location of MHno, can renumber some/all MHnos from a specified number.

You can define/draw/edit/delete pipes, can change the direction of pipes, can change some/all properties of pipes. The software will write; start-invert-elevation, diameter, length, slope and end-invert-elevation for each pipe on the drawing.

You can show depths, discharge and fullness ratio of all pipes on the drawing.

You can define/draw/delete pump-station/fosseptic.

You can define/draw/delete point-discharge to any pipes.


Wastewater Network - Network Plan (1/1000)

Wastewater Network – Network Plan (1/1000)


You can check weather there is any mistake in the network model. You can find and you can correct them.

Such as; same MHnos, 1st-phase – 2nd-phase – existing pipe connections, pipe connections from/to MHs, pipes going from lower elevation to higher elevation.


You can define;

Allowable minimum elevation difference for pipes
Allowable minimum water drop head depth
Pipes can have circular cross-section or rectangular cross-section (box).
For each Type-DIAMETER; type-name, material (concrete, reinforced concrete, PVC, ACB, Steel, HDPE, Ribloc, …), inner diameter, allowable minimum slope, allowable maximum slope, allowable maximum fullness ratio, design formula (Kutter, Manning, …), “a” or “n” values (roughness ratio) for the formula.


During design works; all the information on the drawing will be send to calculation, the calculation software will do hydraulic calculations, then all the calculated information will be send back to the drawing to show the final situation.

You can repeat this process, until you reached to the situation that you want.


After the completion of the network design, you can do wastewater (sewerage) network simulation for 24 hours. Simulation uses a 24-hours pattern. You can see the simulation results on the network  for desired hour. Or, you can see maximum simulation values for pipes, then you can discuss the results.

The pipes having higher velocity/fullness ratio will be shown in different notation. So, you can check the network in minimum time.

For More Information about Wastewater Network Simulation Please Click


Hydraulic calculations are in the form of tables and recorded in a text file.

MHno at the start
MHno at the end
Phase number
Discharge zone number
Pipe length
Unit discharge
MHno bringing water
Amount of incoming water
Start ground elevation
End ground elevation
Inner-top elevation of pipe at the start
Inner-top elevation of pipe at the end
Inner-bottom elevation of pipe at the start
Inner-bottom elevation of pipe at the end
Inner-top depth of pipe at the start
Inner-top depth of pipe at the end
Selected diameter
Fullness ratio
Capacity at %50 fullness
Water depth

Next table contains; pipe lengths according to pipe diameter and phase of pipe.

The last table contains; excavation amounts according to excavation depth and phase of pipe.


The software will show collector pipes and MHs automatically. Also, you can decide for other pipes/MHs to show on general layout plan.

Then, you can prepare general layout plan in a very short time.


Wastewater Network - General Layout Plan (1/5000)

Wastewater Network – General Layout Plan (1/5000)


Now, everything is ready after design works. So, it is easy for you to prepare the profile.

The only thing that you have to do is; to decide the phase (1st-phase/2nd-phase/existing).

After writing vertical and horizontal scale, you can prepare the profile by the use of only one command.

By using the profile software;

You can draw profile without any length limit at one time.
The drawing-height is set to 297 mm.
To be able to draw the profile within the drawing-height, reference elevations will be arranged automatically.
The information on the profile is;

Pipe depth
Reference elevation
MHnos for connected pipes
Ground elevation
Inner-bottom elevation of pipe
Pipe length
Slope (1/a)
Pipe diameter/box sizes

There will be an empty place on the right side of the drawing for legend.
There will be a border line for the drawing, also another border line for cutting.
The output is in DXF file format.


Wastewater Network - Network Profile

Wastewater Network – Network Profile


The purpose of this software is to prepare the excavation amounts in detail for stormwater network.

It is easy for you to get the amounts, because, all the information are ready after the design works.

You can define some general information; excavation slope, the road pavement thicknesses (asphalt, concrete, stone, stabilized, natural).

For typical MHs; type-name, inner diameter, outer diameter, width of bottom-concrete, bottom width of excavations (sloped excavation, wooden-bracing, steel-bracing and 5 different sheet-pile-wall), the backfill thicknesses (sub-base layer, sand-base layer and bottom-concrete).

For typical pipes; pipe-class in the network (small-diameter, medium-diameter or collector), pipe-name, backfill-type-number, inner diameter, outer diameter, bottom width of excavations (sloped excavation, wooden-bracing, steel-bracing and 5 different sheet-pile-wall), the backfill thicknesses (sub-base layer, sand-base layer and top backfill layer).


The output table for MHs contains;

The greatest diameter of outgoing pipe.
Inner diameter of MH
Outer diameter of MH
Width of bottom-concrete
Bottom width of excavation
Inner-bottom depth of MH
Backfill thicknesses (sub-base layer, sand-base layer and bottom-concrete)
Excavation depth
Excavation amounts depending on depths
Total excavation amount
Volume of the concrete MH
Road pavement information (type, thickness, area and volume)
Backfill thickness (sub-base layer, sand-base layer and bottom-concrete)
Backfill type and volume
Excavation and type of bracing
The depth of bracing
The area of bracing

The output table for pipes contains;

MHno at the start
MHno at the end
Pipe information (diameter, outer diameter, bottom width of excavation and length)
Bottom width of excavation for MH
Excavation length
Inner-bottom depths at start and at end
Backfill thicknesses (sub-base layer, sand-base layer and top backfill layer)
Excavation depths at start and at end
Excavation amounts depending on depths
Total excavation amount
Pipe volume
Road pavement information (type, thickness, area and volume)
Backfill amount (sub-base layer, sand-base layer and top backfill layer)
Backfill type and volume
Excavation and type of bracing
The depth of bracing
The area of bracing

During the excavation calculations;

If the excavation width at top is less than or equal to 1.00 m., the excavation is called as narrow-deep-excavation.
If it is greater than 1.00 m., then the excavation is called as wide-deep-excavation.


For MHs; excavation and bracing summaries are in the form of tables according to phase.

For MHs, at summary-total tables; excavation amounts according to depths, backfill amounts according to backfill-type, bracing amounts according support-type, road pavement amounts according to pavement-type, in the base of small-diameter, medium-diameter or collector.

For pipes; excavation and bracing summaries are in the form of tables according to phase.

For pipes, at summary-total tables; excavation amounts according to depths (for the both of narrow-deep-excavation and wide-deep-excavation), backfill amounts according to backfill-type, bracing amounts according bracing-type, road pavement amounts according to pavement-type, in the base of small-diameter, medium-diameter or collector.

For MHs+pipes; excavation, backfill and bracing summaries are in the form of tables according to phase.

For pipes; pipe lengths at project and pipe lengths at construction are in the form of tables according to pipe diameter and phase.


You can transfer easily all the network information to another drawing/computer, or vice versa.


There is no limit to the number of MHs and pipes.
There is no limit to the number of pipe diameters and pipe materials.
It is possible to have more than one network on the same drawing. There is no limit to the number of networks.
It is possible to define different discharge zones.
It is possible to define 1st-phase, 2nd-phase and existing pipe.
During design works; it is possible to change pipe diameter, start/end elevation of pipes.
During design works; the software can show the logical mistakes of the network to the user to correct them.
During design works; if a pipe exceeds the hydraulic/design criterion, the software informs the user.
At the end of the hydraulic calculation, software will supply excavation amounts and pipe lengths.
The software can renumber MH numbers automatically.
The software can transfer the MH information to topographic work, and can get back those changed information from topographic works (by using a text file).
The software can prepare the deepness-map for geological work.
All calculations are in a text file, in the form of tables. You can open, you can copy, you can print directly at any time.
You can print the above text files by using an A4-printer with the help of our software commands too.
You can use our software commands with AutoCAD or ZWCAD commands too.



AutoCAD 2021 x64, ZWCAD 2024 x64
Windows11 x64, Windows10 x64
.NET Framework 4.8
Sentinel HL Pro Driverless, Sentinel-LDK_SDK_9.0 x64


AutoCAD 2021 x64, ZWCAD 2022 x64
Windows8.1 x64, Windows8.0 x64, Windows7 x64
.NET Framework 4
Sentinel HL Pro Driverless, Sentinel-LDK_SDK_7.6 x64


AutoCAD 2017 x64, ZWCAD+ 2015 x64
Windows7 x64, Windows8.0 x64, Windows8.1 x64, Windows10 x64
Sentinel HASP HL MaxMicro Driverless, Sentinel-LDK_SDK_7.1 x64


AutoCAD 2015 x64, ZWCAD+ 2015 x64
Windows7 x64, Windows8.0 x64, Windows8.1 x64
Sentinel HASP HL MaxMicro Driverless, Sentinel-LDK_SDK_7.1 x64


AutoCAD 2013 x64
Windows7 x64
Sentinel HASP HL Max, Sentinel-HASP_SDK_5.12 x64


AutoCAD 2012 x64
Windows7 x64, Windows8.0 x64, Windows8.1 x64
Sentinel HASP HL Max, Sentinel-HASP_SDK_5.12 x64


AutoCAD 2012 x32, ZWCAD 2012
Windows7 x32
Sentinel HASP HL Max, Sentinel-HASP_SDK_5.12 x64


AutoCAD 2010 x32
WindowsXP x32
Aladdin HASP HL Max, Ver1.1 x32


AutoCAD 2008 x32
WindowsXP x32
Aladdin HASP HL Max, Ver1.1 x32


AutoCAD 2004 x32
WindowsXP x32


AutoCAD 2000

